Kadence Blocks PRO v2.4.3 – Extends Kadence Blocks with Powerful Extras

Last Update: July 18, 2024
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Extends Kadence Blocks with powerful extras that make it possible to create beautiful content in the WordPress Block Editor.


Page Building. Kadence Blocks provides tools to empower WordPress users to create unique and meaningful content easier in the native WordPress editor. Our Row/Layout block can create custom layouts in your pages with easy column control that you are sure to love. With our editing toolkit, the WordPress editor becomes a powerful page builder with all the controls and functionality you could wish for.

Responsive Controls. We know how important responsive, mobile-friendly design is to the success of your site and that is why throughout our blocks there are responsive settings. This empowers you to make precision design tweaks to your content specifically for tablet and mobile devices. That means on every device your content looks amazing. These responsive controls include padding, margin, font sizes, and line-height, as well as column collapse settings and ordering.

Design Library. Quickly launch any project with our easy-to-use and lightning-fast prebuilt library. Browse by category or search to find the content pieces you want to drop into your pages. Adjust text, tweak the styles and you’re on your way! Beautiful inspiration for your next project is right at your fingertips.

Typography. The best designs hinge on using the right typography in the right places. That’s why we created a typography setting framework that allows you complete control over your font settings. Choose from over 800 google fonts and preview instantly within the editor. Adjust font sizes, weights, styles, letter spacing, and more.

Form Extras. Kadence Blocks Pro includes additional after submit options for the form block. For example auto response email and database logs.

Advanced Slider. Create beautiful sliders right in the block editor with easy to add overlay layers and animation. This slider is lightweight and is a perfect replacement for a separate slider plugin.

Video Popup. Beautifully display a thumbnail with overlay and hover effects that link to a video popup on click. Works with local or external videos!

Product Carousel. Add a Woocommerce Product Carousel to your page or post. You can select products by category, on sale, best selling or just individually select the products you want to show.

Image Overlay. A beautiful way to create an image link with an overlay title and subtitle. Using the powerful options you can set placement, animations, and hover effects.

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v2.4.3 - July 18, 2024

  • Changelog: https://www.kadencewp.com/kadence-blocks/changelog/


  • Documentation: https://www.kadencewp.com/help-center/knowledge-base/kadence-blocks/


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