WooCommerce AfterShip v9.3

Last Update: October 18, 2023
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Track your shippings progress through AfterShip service using nice visual timelines!

How it works

The WooCommerce AfterShip plugin allows your customer to keep track of shippings through timelines displayed on the Orders details page! It is straightforward to use:

  1. Through the WooCommerce AfterShip menu insert the AfterShip API Key (you will find a link to generate it)
  2. Select the companies you are going to use to track shippings
  3. In the admin order details page, enter the tracking info

That’s it! The plugin will automatically keep you updated about the tracking status and it will automatically show status timelines in the frontend order details page for each tracking code associated to the order!

Shipping progress timeline

In each order details page, the WooCommerce AfterShip plugin will show a timeline for each tracking code entered by the shop admin!


Order trackings can be add, edited and removed directly from the Orders list page!


Through the special [wcafw_order_status] it is possible to track any order in any page. It will render a form in which the user can enter the order id. The form will then load the order shipping timelines. This is can be useful for gust users that cannot access to profile pages to track their orders

Tracking info embedded into WooCommerce emails

Tracking info will be automatically embedded on every WooCommerce notification email once the order status hits the “completed” status. You can optionally change which status the plugin has to consider to embed tracking info and customize the message included in the emails!

Email notification

Optionally you can send active email notifications containing the order tracking info. The email template can be localized (only if using WPML) and customized using the Email menu.

CSV Import

Import your data in just few click using a CSV file!

Shipment title and order customization

If you wish to customize the shipment titles displayed in the AfterShip shipment section, just hook to the “wcafw_shipment_title” filter and customize as you wish!

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  Plugin has been activated.


v9.3 - July 26, 2023

  • Improved compability with HPOS


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